A safe place to play
The Grove Parent and Toddler Group is a vital part of the community, giving adults and children a fun, supportive place to come together each week.
While looking after a young child can be very rewarding, it can also feel isolating at times, especially if you don’t have friends in the same situation. There are only so many times you can sing Old Macdonald before you start really craving adult conversation. And you have so many questions… Am I doing this right? Should they be walking by now? Can I please just have two minutes to drink a cup of tea in peace?
Parent and toddler groups serve a vital role in communities, bringing adults and children together to socialise and learn from one another. However, as Sharon Robinson, Chair of the Grove Parent and Toddler Group, shares, “So many of these groups have closed because they’re no longer funded by local authorities or by the government, leaving a significant gap in the community.”
The Grove Parent and Toddler Group was established around 50 years ago in Hammersmith and is still going strong despite financial challenges. The group meets three mornings a week. Crucially, the fee is just £3.50 per child, or £4 per family, making it affordable for most people in the area. It’s well attended by mums, dads, carers, childminders and nannies, who are able to share advice, ask questions and, crucially, socialise and form new friendships.
But the benefits aren’t just felt by the adults. As Sharon explains, “Development through play is a vital part of a child’s early years. Space to play is limited in inner cities, but here children get the opportunity to be part of a stimulating environment with safe outside space and to form their first social relationships with other children. We run a different creative activity each week and rotate toys regularly to hold the children’s interest. The outcome is that the children start school more confident, self-assured and with a wider sense of the world.”
One of the regular attendees, Maria, adds, “The playgroup is perfect. Great activities, space and healthy snacks. The children love coming here. Rahiya, the lady that runs the group, is kind and the children love her.”
The Grove Parent and Toddler Group is able to keep fees low thanks to grants and other donations. The group has received several grants from Hammersmith United Charities over the years, as we recognise how important it is to local families.
Sharon shares, “Our two main expenses are hiring the space and paying the play leader who runs the sessions. It’s these kinds of running costs that charities need most help with, but so many grants are only offered for equipment or specific projects. Hammersmith United Charities are one of the few that will fund running costs and they’ve been brilliant. They realise that, in the grand scheme of things, we only require a small amount of money to survive, but it means such a lot to us and the people who come here.”
Find out more
The Grove Parent and Toddler Group runs three drop-in sessions a week during term time: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 10am-12 noon. There’s no need to book.
The group meets at the Grove Neighbourhood Centre, a registered charity which hosts a wide range of activities, from pilates and yoga to a weekly lunch club.
Hammersmith United Charities has supported a few of the groups that meet at the centre, including granting £300 towards a coach trip to Brighton and £3,300 for therapeutic art sessions. Find out what’s on at the centre here.