A poem by resident Kitty
My little Valentine, my funny Valentine
You make me smile
You bring with you glorious spring time
When the air is fresh and new
Buds are peeping through the earth
As if to say, hello
Spring is such a special time
The birds are singing so sweetly
The evenings are getting a little longer
So let’s look to the future
With hope in our hearts
That COVID-19
Will be an episode in our past
Have a smile and a cheer
Each and every one of us
Now that Valentine’s day is here
Like the little Robin
Appearing on my balcony
As if to say, all will be well
Spring is in the air
And hope is in our hearts
Now that Valentine’s day is here
Happy Valentine’s day to you all
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We provide beautiful and affordable sheltered housing in our almshouses, with award-winning communal gardens. Email or go to have a look at our sheltered housing pages.